M2 Year

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M2 Course Objectives

Upon completion of IMP II, the students will be able to:

  • Obtain an accurate medical history that covers all essential parts of the history, including issues related to age, gender, ethnic and socioeconomic status.
  • Perform both complete and focused system-specific physical examination(s) and identify abnormal physical exam findings and their importance.
  • Communicate in an effective way with patients, families and other healthcare providers through written, electronic, and verbal means.
  • Generate a reasonable differential diagnosis for a patient’s symptomatology based on all pertinent history, physical examination, and other data.
  • Define and exhibit the professional behavior and responsibilities expected of physicians, including the importance of therapeutic patient relationships, confidentiality, and medical ethics.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of social deterrents to medical care and the importance of population health in disease prevention and treatment.
  • Utilize lifelong self-directed learning to stay abreast of relevant scientific advances.